When it comes to aging vehicles there are only a few that make it to the timeless adventure vehicle list. For the most part designs just don’t age well. Take your basic sedans for example, a 1992 Toyota Camry just doesn’t stand the test of time. We call them…beaters. Junky cars that we drive out of practical necessity. So, what are the best timeless vehicles then? Here is my top three timeless adventure vehicles of all time.

NUMBER – 3: Mercedes Benz G Class
I love a good G wagon. I would even go as far to say that the older models are even cooler than the newer ones. We look at the modern G wagon and don’t necessarily even think off-road adventure sometimes, but trust me, Mercedes has been building top tier vehicles that are capable in all terrain for a very long time. The capable G Class can be defined by its classic style from the moment you lay your eyes on it. Timeless looks, advanced capabilities and knowing that a trusted brand like Mercedes Benz is the manufacturer are the reasons the MB G Class ranks number three on my list.

NUMBER – 2: Landrover Defender
There is not another vehicle on the planet that is more recognized as the definition of adventure than the Landrover Defender. Although there is some hype around the new similar looking Genadier right now, there is absolutely no comparison. Recognized, proven, and timeless are all characteristics of the Landrover Defender. Besides, you what they say…copying is a great form of flattery.
For me, the late 90’s Landrover Defender is probably my favorite, but you cannot go wrong with any model Defender that you choose. The next time you’re watching a film about adventure, the military outside of the states, or anything spy, keep an eye out for the Landrover Defender, It will be there.

NUMBER – 1: Jeep “Wrangler” (CJ, Willys included)
Nothing, I mean nothing, quite says adventure vehicle like a Jeep. Now, I said Wrangler in title, but the Wrangler name actually came about in the 80s with the release of the Jeep YJ. Before that there were the CJ models and before that the Willys. Yup, the vehicle that won WW2.

I get it, these things are subjective though right? I may believe that the Peak of Jeep was there TJ and LJ, but the JK, JKU, JL, JLU, and JT models are all very capable and awesome in their own regard. Although all new models are hated for a short time because people have issue with, they eventually make they way into the hearts of adventures all over the globe and that is why they are easily the best.
Early on with the Jeep brand there was a push to be larger than just an automobile. The vision was to have people think differently about the Jeep brand than they do all of the competition. That passion for growth landed them at a place where through simple, capable vehicles and a adventurous culture they transformed the Jeep brand into a vision of adventure. A doctor will look at a Jeep and think adventure. An attorney will walk by a Jeep a reminisce of the simpler days of freedom and adventure. Pro athletes and entertains from all media will have full line ups of exotics and luxury vehicles but will see a Jeep and be reminded of a life of adventure. The culture connected to the Jeep has superseded a product. The Jeep “Wrangler” is the best, timeless, adventure vehicle ever made.
Rob Spencer