The Call from Nature

Ever wonder what it is that calls us into nature? What is it that makes time spent outdoors so healing, or at least refreshing? If you chose to sit silently away from the street lights and noise of our modern communities in nature, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I hate to admit this, but there are times when the weight of it all feels so heavy on my chest that I just want to close the world off. The feeling of anxiety overwhelms my insecurities and I can’t seem to make sense of anything. It’s in those moments I need to escape. I need to leave my daily routine and simplify my thoughts. I need to find a place that offers beauty and peace. Somewhere that helps me see that I’m a small piece of a very big puzzle. 

The order of creation helps me understand that. It reminds me of the good. It silences the chaos I often create in my own mind, through my own reality, and frees me to absorb the lessons God is teaching me through nature. This world and all of it’s tragedy is a lot for any of us sometimes. Things can seem to be moving the wrong direction faster than we can correct course. I want to challenge you though. I want to challenge anyone reading this to get outside and find the freedom your spirit craves, find the answers your heart and mind are searching for.

Taking an afternoon to walk down at the shore, a day trip hiking a favorite trail, or even a longer getaway off the grid is a feeling we just can’t seem to get when we are living that “normal” lifestyle of work, work, work. It’s like I always say…there’s no better way to experience the Creator than spending time in Creation.

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